Thursday, April 29, 2010

The 365 Project: Day 118

I made it to my Mom's in time to join her for a ridiculously busy few days, kicked off by her Soroptomist fundraiser at the local playhouse. They rent out the whole house, sell the tickets for a higher price, and serve apps, beer, wine and desserts. It's a good time and a great fundraiser idea!

Can you guess which play was showing? That's right--The Wizard of Oz! Like my Mom's super sweet Dorothy braids? A local lady made these on headbands for like 30 of these women!! Too cute.

Some other randomness from the day...this is a house that I thought was super cute across from the church where we were picking up all the goodies they had been prepping for the few days before (nice to have a retired caterer in the group!) Don't you think our house would look super cute like this--with some shingles mixed in? Love it!
Adorable gardening project at the church's pre-school. One of the ladies informed me that, "they're teaching the kids to grow pot!" Hahaha.
The super cute Glinda/Elphaba inspired food markers, made by my mother.
The munchkins! Awaiting their next scene. The Lollipop Guild stole the show!

1 comment:

Jordan said...

ugh please take that shit down, or crop me out. please and thank you.