Monday, April 12, 2010

Chicken, Rice & Veggie Bake

Trying our hand at yet another classic. We're trying to build an arsenal of simple weeknight meals to pull from. I figure once the baby arrives I could go one of two ways. Either I'll turn into a Domestic Goddess, maintain a pristinely clean home and master new gourmet meals around every corner. Or, I'll be endlessly exhausted and way too highly entertained by our new bundle to give a patoot about anything domestic other than motherhood. Hmm..which sounds more like me?

This is what we pieced together from various recipes and suggestions:

Chicken, Rice & Veggie Bake

2 boneless chicken breasts, uncooked, cut into bite-sized chunks
1c white rice, uncooked
16 oz bag frozen mixed veggies
1 small can condensed cream of mushroom soup
handful fresh sliced mushrooms
1c water
1/2c milk

garlic powder
onion powder
cajun seasoning

Throw the chunked chicken in the bottom of a baking dish. Mix all other ingredients in a bowl. Spread mixture on top of the chicken. Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour, or until the rice is cooked.

I would suggest checking it around 50 minutes, then every 5-10 minutes until it's good. I pulled it out at 1 hour, mixed it up, and the rice was still a little crunchy. But then when I took it out 15 minutes later, it was mushy. Gotta find that happy medium!

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