Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hawthorne Threads

I haven't yet submitted an order with Hawthorne Threads, but I don't think it'll take long. I love my local quilt shop, but they can't carry everything cute that I see out in blogland. Hawthorne has a crazy good selection, and I might even be able to save a buck here and there (not an easy feat with high quality fabrics).

They have some pretty cool features on their site (like color matching suggestions), tiered pricing and customer appreciation discounts, and a weekly-ish e-newsletter that keeps me drooling over new prints.

So, for Beth and others without a super sweet shop nearby, I'm pretty sure Hawthorne will keep you satisfied. For me, the only difficult part is narrowing down my picks!


Jordan said...

umm do they have cotton broadcloth so you can make me that dress from that pattern i bought?

Beth said...

it's already bookmarked! Thanks.

Moon Spirit Studios said...

Just came upon this thread- and I have to chime in :)

I LOVE Hawthorne Threads. They ship so quickly and the tiered pricing is great!