Saturday, June 4, 2011

I {heart} Photoshop

This photo came out of my camera black. You could just barely make out the outline of her little foot. I was in a rush to snap a shot of her adorable little feet, but my camera was in another mode that I had been playing with in a room with different lighting. By the time I corrected the settings, she had moved on. (The downside of an amateur shooting in manual mode.) This is where the joys of Photoshop are most evident. Do I end up with a perfect, crisp image? Not hardly. But I love it just the same. Maybe more. Sometimes that layer of grit adds even more sentimentality.


Jordan said...

Auntie Jordan loves those little feetsies!

Anonymous said...

That is the most adorable photo I have seen in a long time. I love it when you think something has not worked and with a bit of effort its just below the surface!