Friday, October 15, 2010

The 365 Project: Day 282 (Oct 10)

All kinds of fun things happening around here today. For starters, Lana got to meet Abby--and I got out for some much needed girl time sans babe. (Thanks Ab!) 
For the first time ever, Raf was caught hugging a toilet for a productive reason! Mom is super stoked to not have to walk through our bedroom to use the toilet in the middle of the night anymore.
And I enjoyed my first beer since January! Woo Hoo! Well, it was pretty much only the neck off the top of my first beer, but hey, it doesn't take much to be enjoyable after 9 months!

1 comment:

Abby said...

It was so fantastic to visit the new Beyer clan. Enjoyed our walk and want you to know that I am here for whatever you need!!! If is more beer I completely understand!!! XOXO